The Riches of His Grace

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight" Ephesians 1:7-8

God created Adam and Eve in a condition of sinless freedom, yet, they subjected themselves to slavery through disobediently eating from the tree of knowledge.  Their rebellion sold the entire human race into bondage under sin and death.  A just God ought to leave us there, entangled in sin, fully deserving of His judgment and wrath.  However, our God, both just and merciful, repurchased a people to Himself through Jesus Christ.  Through His blood we have redemption, the forgiveness of our trespasses.  Such beautiful news - we are ransomed from our previous captivity and slavery, according to the riches of his grace!  Our every action earns us guilt and wrath, but God richly poured out his grace upon us through the sacrifice of his Son.  We are unreservedly offered freedom from slavery to sin and guilt through Christ's blood, an atoning sacrifice.  However, God's grace did not stop there, for he lavishes grace upon us in all wisdom and insight.  It is extended in great amounts, without limit, openhanded, extravagant grace upon grace!  We, who are so undeserving, are generously offered grace and mercy by our Creator and Savior.  This is not a God who begrudgingly allows us into His presence.  Far from that, He is a God who loves deeply and powerfully in both word and deed.  This is a God worth worshiping. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam and Eve were not enslaved. They were able to decide what to do. They may have sinned prior to eating from the tree but didn't understand that it was sin. What the tree gave them was the "knowledge" to judge their actions and discover they had sinned. Now they understood that doing bad things required them to repent. They weren't enslaved (forced) to sin.